Cafe Mustache - Migrant Solidarity Fundraiser
Migrant Solidarity Fundraiser
March 23, 2024, 5pm
Cafe Mustache
2313 N Milwaukee Ave
Chicago, IL
A film I helped out with, Como Se Hace, will be having a preview screening at the Migrant Solidarity Fundraiser for El Comedor Communitario (a migrant-led food distribution effort where Venezualan neighbors cook for and feed the community which is the focus of Como Se Hace) and Midwest Books to Prisoners (a 501c3 nonprofist that obtains and distributes various kinds of books and reading material to incarcerated folks nationwide).
Donations of books, warm clothes, hypiene products, medical supplies, and money are welcome and encouraged, and will be passed along to these organizations.
Raffle tix $10
Donate to El Comedor Comunitario via venmo: comedor-comunitario-chicago
Learn more about the film and El Comedor Communitario here: