Newcity Magazine - "Film 50 2018: Chicago Screen Gems"

Photo: Sally Blood

Very honored to be on this year's Film 50: Chicago's Screen Gems list in Newcity Magazine! Chicago has been such a great city to make work in and I'm ever in awe of the lovely, talented people on this list that I get to hang out with.

Check out the full article written by Ray Pride here:

"Collaborators Kera Mackenzie and Drew Mausert-Mooney make films and videos, but also supply a platform, ACRE TV, for filmmakers. They split their practice, which they describe as having “an affinity for riffing with cinematic forms,” between the films and videos they make and live televisual work, typically broadcast on ACRE TV, the artist-made livestreaming network they co-direct and co-founded. "

“Our day jobs have, like it or not, a big influence on our artistic work,” Mackenzie says. “For the last six years, Andrew helped run the production side of a livestream video company he started with a friend, directing and switching livestreams for organizations in the Midwest. Live shows entail the coordination of many people around a single moment in time. When you’ve done it enough with the same people, the coordination takes less time, the collaboration is more elegant, and the productions are better.” Kera is a teacher, “and the same thing is true in the classroom,” she relates. “It can feel like a small miracle getting students to focus their attention on a piece of work in a moment of time, or get everyone in sync when shooting. The work of organizing people around time is fascinating to watch because one can be good at it or bad at it, succeed or fail, and get better with practice. It also seems like a central concern in building political power.” -RP