In a Perfect Fever
In a Perfect Fever riffs on a ubiquitous trick in film and television history, where the switching of a practical light — a light source within the frame — serves as a moment of conspiracy between filmmakers, characters, and audience, allowing drastic, even impossible changes to the scene while still functioning as a believable, diegetic moment. Unfurling like a dream, the video expands to consider recent psychological studies investigating empathy that find increased stress levels and shorter life spans for the individuals doing the caring.
How do we name the value of this costly connection?
"Kera Mackenzie and Andrew Mausert-Mooney's IN A PERFECT FEVER (2014, Video Projection), a work-in-progress that uses extra-filmic light sources in a conspiratorial strategy with the audience. Mackenzie, who has a degree in art therapy, and Mausert-Mooney describe the video as taking inspiration from contemporary experimental psychological studies "that find increased stress levels and shorter life spans" among those who deeply feel for other people." — Kian Bergstrom, CINE-FILE
"Empathy is generally a positive emotion though we shouldn’t underestimate the consequences of the stress it can cause. A stimulating essay."
— International Film Festival Rotterdam
Video Stills

Image/Sound/Edit: Kera MacKenzie & Andrew Mausert-Mooney
Voices: Sebastian Aguirre & Teresa Silva
Performers: Janine Biunno, Jesse Malmed, James Cordas, Kate Bowen, Seth Sher, Alex Narinskiy, & Lauren Walsh
Live-To-Tape Crew: Tony Balko, Blair Bogin, Kate Bowen, CJ Brazelton, Jesse Malmed, Jordan Martins, & Marisa Williamson
Live-To-Tape Soundtrack: Samuel Hertz
Sound Mix: Paul Dickinson, Kera MacKenzie, & Andrew Mausert-Mooney
Screening History
In the Body's Tow: short works by Kera MacKenzie & Andrew Mausert-Mooney, La lumière collective, Montréal QC
In the Body's Tow: short works by Kera MacKenzie & Andrew Mausert-Mooney, Cellular Cinema at the Bryant Lake Bowl Theater, Minneapolis MN
Program 3: Intercommunication, Spectral Film Festival, Stevens Point WI
In the Body's Tow: short works by Kera MacKenzie & Andrew Mausert-Mooney, Microlights, Milwaukee WI
PLANTS & ANIMALS: On Monsters, Cyborgs and Other Hybrid Creatures, In/habit roving art series at The Learning Machine, Chicago IL
Visions, Opening Night of the Rencontres Internationales Sciences & Cinémas (RISC), Marseille, France
Thinging Bodies, Gallery 400, Chicago IL
_POSSIBLE FUTURES_, SIMULTAN Festival XII, Timisoara, Romania
ORBIT, Haverhill Experimental Film Festival, Haverhill MA
Competitive Program #6, Iowa City International Documentary Film Festival (ICDOCS), Iowa City IA
Past Lives, UnionDocs, Brooklyn NY
Year Zero (0), The Transversal Project, Forest Park, St. Louis MO
After Dinner Before Dancing, Chicago Filmmakers, Chicago IL
Reality is Negotiable, International Film Festival Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Video! Video! Zine 1, Online and Giron Books, Chicago IL
Shorts 12: Of Ever-Ever Land I speak, Chicago Underground Film Festival, Chicago IL
P.3+ at Hammond Regional Arts Center, Hammond LA
Half Suffocated, Gallery 400, Chicago IL
Production Stills