“I like to use the example of the coverage of a certain bicycle race in Barcelona. The image shows the racers from a helicopter. The soundtrack consists of a dialogue between the TV reporters and some cyclists not participating in the race. It is obvious that those speaking are not watching the images, nor are they saying anything remotely about them. Image and sound follow two totally different tracks for two minutes; the only thing giving them any sense to the cohabitation of these two universes is the topic of cycling. And yet no one who views this clip notices its obvious counterpoint.” — Michel Chion, Audio-Vision: Sound on Screen
In three distinct but adjacent rooms, three performances (a conversation, a live soundtrack, and a visual set piece) take place simultaneously and for the same predetermined duration, to come together (only) via the live edit.
Video Stills
Directors: Kera MacKenzie & Andrew Mausert-Mooney
Music: Ryan Sullivan
Sculpture: Nicholas Rummler
Voices: Jesse Malmed, Michael Milano, & Courtney Nulicek
Screening History
STROBE Network, STROBEnetwork.tv and Flux Factory, Long Island City NY
WACH, College Art Association Conference, Chicago IL